Photography Workshops Popularity

When we started our photography workshops last year we expected them to be popular with the local groups that we teach, as we put a lot of effort into making them a successful learning opportunity.

We had no idea just how popular our workshops, walks, and outings (and leadership) would become. (Which is a big reason why I haven’t been posting things to this blog…)

In the past few months we have had requests for workshops from nearby camera clubs, from the county fair, from a USA National Laboratory for a science crawl, and from the island-wide activities coordinators at two vacation resorts owned by a very large resort company (maybe the largest in the business). We currently have a pretty full schedule of workshops, and are likely to start leading photography workshops/walks in Hawaii in the summer of 2013.

Thanks to all our wonderful photography workshop participants and leaders for helping us expand and improve our workshops, and to all the great folks and groups who are requesting our photography workshops and outings!

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